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Showing posts from April, 2016


22/50, 60 points, and the clutch game-winner.  And on the day the warriors went 73-9 too.  Today, a compelling story came to an end. A story to rival tales of fiction, with an ending too good to be true. Storytelling that put to shame most of the books I've read, and the spectacles I've watched -  Because this was real.  A story that spanned 20 years from beginning to end. Twenty years of mere mortals watching a young boy from Philly carve his name into the history books. This story, like any other begins with an underdog.  Drafted 13th as a 17 year old, many saw through his youth and discovered his prowess. But many also doubted him. They wanted another year of college. They said he was too rough round the edges, too young for the big league. You know, the classic underdog fighting against the critics and the naysayers.  The thing was, he didn't promise immediate success. In fact he started out relatively poorly, averaging 7.6 points in 1